When acronyms spell dysfunction.

The idea behind acronyms is to turn a verbal mouthful into a manageable morsel. For example, the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers works well as ASCAP and is immediately recognized through that melodious medley of capital letters.

Unfortunately, acronyms don't always work. Those back-to-back capital letters can be cryptic and therefore frustrating for the reader.

However, there is an advantage to using acronyms within a closed circle like a government agency. Outsiders won't have a clue what you're talking about.

In a similar vein, do you like phone numbers that use words instead of numbers? I find myself staring at the phone and taking the time to make the required translation of letters to digits when I would rather be placing the call. At the expense of losing some brand pizazz, let's lose the words and go numerical. 

My favorite self-generated acronym? WIDSIO. When it doubt, spell it out.

© Miller McMillan