Dear Animal Lover,
You see them in parks, on sidewalks, scampering across streets. Frightened, lonely, forgotten creatures whose owners have turned away. Dogs missing a leg. Cats so skinny their bones seem to pop through the skin. Pets with no homes and no place to turn. Dozens in your neighborhood, hundreds in your community, around 70 million nationwide.
Where can they go?
Their chances of survival are worse than slim. The ‘lucky’ ones end up in so-called ‘humane’ shelters. But how humane are they? All too often, if they are not adopted within a few days, they are put to sleep.
Founded in 1983, Pet Adoption Fund has dared to take a stand and treat pets like people. We care for them with love and respect and caring –– working hard to find them good homes.
Don’t pets have rights?
Sadly, no. There is no Bill of Rights or Constitution that protects dogs and cats. But we have three cherished rules that define Pet Adoption Fund:
1. We never kill a pet.
2. We care for every dog and cat as long as needed.
3. We find loving homes for the pets we have saved and nurtured.
Our work is not easy
It’s a big task and we’re pretty much alone. Since we’re not a funded government agency or endowed private institution, we must rely on people like you to keep the welcome mat in place. That’s why we’re calling on you to give from your heart –– to do what these wonderful animals can never do for themselves. Help turn things around and have a second chance.
Give them a chance. A little helps a lot.
Around $100 feeds and cares for a cat or dog for one month. Sometimes it takes more. Be assured that your generosity ends up in the right place, helping dogs and cats recover their health and spirit, and find loving homes.
We donate our time
Our volunteers and staff work for love, not money. They don’t get a single penny for their efforts. They work from their hearts every day of the year to answer the call for pets in need. Does Pet Adoption Fund sound like the kind of place you would want to go if you were a homeless dog or cat? Maybe a better choice than a “pound” where your chances of survival go down every hour?
New life for Chester
He is one of three great cats who gave blood for two years at a local veterinary hospital. And the thanks they received for this commitment of giving? They were summarily dismissed and destined for the pound. We were outraged when we heard this! Without hesitation, we took in all three of these great cats. But instead of giving blood, they are receiving heartfelt care from our tireless volunteers. Chester is happy and healthy now, with painful memories replaced by a completely new experience of love.
Pearl comes out of hiding
You could see the bones of her rib cage. Her tail was tucked all the way under her belly in fear. Pearl wouldn’t even make eye contact and just wanted to hide forever. What would have happened if we hadn’t answered the call?
Family moves without Ian
He is simply is one of the finest dogs you’ll ever meet. We found him on the worst day of his life, when he had been left by a family who moved away without him. So cruel and thoughtless –– and actually lazy. Imagine if your parents had done that to you.
Success story
Thanks to donations from people like you, Ian got his groove back. Our volunteers were with him from day one, and followed him through until he recovered his spirit and was ready to warm the cockles of someone’s heart –– which he did! We could tell you 300 more stories about lovable creatures who are recovering their health and spirit at our shelter.
No pets turned away
We’re not picky around here. Every donation helps and every animal is welcome for as long as it takes. It doesn’t matter if they are missing a tooth, a leg, or a tail. It doesn’t matter if they have been maimed by a hit and run driver, tossed out on the street, or dropped off at our door when their family didn’t care anymore. We don’t play favorites. We welcome them all.
Yes, the results are real
Let me tell you what we’ve done in real numbers. Since 1986 Pet Adoption Fund has rescued, rehabilitated and placed over 16,000 cats and dogs. Imagine if more shelters took notice and changed their ways. The rewards for your efforts are enormous. Your contribution goes to the core of the problem. And you will know deep in in your heart that you are making an impact.
When you say, “Yes, I care!”
Small amounts go a long way in the world of pets. It buys food, medical care and the necessary costs of spaying and neutering. In all, it monthly costs are easily five figures.
Know where your money goes
Give to Pet Adoption with confidence, knowing every donation goes directly to the care, rehabilitation and placement of homeless animals. Your gift will be so appreciated and it’s also tax deductible. Please don’t leave this on the “to do” list any longer.
Take a minute right now!
Join the movement for better care for pets. Use the pledge form to take action today. You’ll know you’re doing your part to help so many wonderful cats and dogs.
Yes, I will help them today!
I am enclosing my tax-deductible contribution to the Pet Adoption Fund. I appreciate a shelter that doesn’t kill or discriminate. One that has the patience to persevere until every cat and dog gets the help they deserve.
$1000__ $500__ $250 __ $100*__ $60__ $50 __ $25__ $15___ $___ Other
Please detach this portion and return it with your check in the enclosed reply envelope. Or contact Pet Adoption Fund for more easy ways to donate.
Most gratefully,
Pet Adoption Fund
PS. Three hundred pets say thank you with a “Rfff!” and “Meow!”